If there's anything we haven't answered here, please call us on 0493 852 213 or contact us via email info@qaasplanmanagement.com.au, or head to our Contact page and submit and online enquiry.
What is the NDIS about?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government initiative that provides funding to people with a disability and also provides support to their families and carers; and choice and control over where, when and how they receive their disability services.
Am I eligible to access the NDIS?
The NDIS is currently available to those with an Australian residency; under 65 years of age; and who may require support from a person or equipment to do their everyday activities. For more information on eligibility, please check the NDIS checklist. The NDIS is also available to children with development delay or a disability.
What supports can NDIS provide for me?
The supports NDIS can provide you will depend on the type of support you will need based on your short and long-term goals. The NDIS funds a range of supports. Check the NDIS website for more information.
What is NDIS plan management?
NDIS plan management is the way your funding is managed. There are three options for you too choose from depending on what suits you best. These options are NDIA-Managed, Plan-Managed, and Self-Managed. If you use a plan manager, this will take the stress out of you having to manage the financial aspects of your plan. If this is the case, then please make sure to have "Improved Life Choices" support included in your plan. This allows you to choose us, QAAS Plan Management to be your plan manager. We will then ensure all your NDIS finances are taken care of by paying your invoices on time and updating you each month on the balance of your allocated budget.
How much does it cost to use QAAS Plan Management?
It costs you nothing because the NDIA will pay Ace Plan Management. Just make sure to request for 'Improved Life Choices" and this will be added on top of your other supports.
I already have a Plan Manager, can I change to another?
Yes, by all means you can. The biggest emphasis of the NDIS is choice and control and you can easily move from one plan manager to another at any time.
Can I use the support worker I already have?
Yes, you absolutely can. One of the benefits of using a plan manager such as us is that you can use your preferred provider even though they are not registered with the NDIS so long as they have an ABN.